If you want to enjoy your business WAY more and feel more expressed in your brand, watch out for this! Create the brand you know yourself to be…xx
Tag Archives: free branding consultation
‘Shake it up’…why that’s a branding tip.
So I’ve had a whopper of an article/blog post brewing in me for quite some time now. I will be sharing it with you shortly but suffice it to say that travel (however near or far), stepping out of the norm, following what you really want…all of that really shakes things up. It shows you not only who you really are (the brand of woman you are) but just how to get to where you want to go…it opens our eyes to how it could really be…
Shaking things up is change.
Shaking things up is entrepreneurship…leadership.
Shaking things up is uncomfortable. And this is maybe the most curious part of all. I gauge my happiness, success and personal growth all by how uncomfortable I am. Now I don’t mean uncomfortable as in being inauthentic but I do mean a feeling of “I really am alive, aren’t I?” This is usually followed up with a ‘wow’, by the way.
I think it’s easy to forget that as entrepreneurs (yes YOU, YOU are an entrepreneur) that this is the very spirit we need to let out…that getting comfortable in the discomfort IS they key to more and more success and happiness. I couldn’t be more sure of this…
This is entrepreneurship…and though it can be uncomfortable, discomfort always comes with forward movement toward what we desire most and discomfort also brings quantum leaps and growing the ability to leap but this time knowing (trusting) the net will appear.
I know the last line is over-used but it truly is the best example of what we are trying to do as business-owners and as women entrepreneurs…we’re leaping all the time. So my question this week is if you know how to leap because you’ve done it before many many times, how about taking that leap to a shake?
It’s time…now, before the New Year, to shake it up. What’s that thing that you’ve wanted to get into that you haven’t yet? Who could you call to mentor you in this area? What could you do differently today that makes you feel more alive and therefore shares more of you with the world?
How could you step more fully into the brand of woman you are inside?
Croatia consciousness list.
As I thought about what was really calling to me a few days ago…two things came to mind I though I might include in this week’s post:
2. A closed sign (as in, I’m still on a working holiday and will be back next week!)
1. Consciousness…how conscious are we really?
I was asking myself this last question a lot during the holiday and I came to this conclusion. We’re as conscious as:
• Our last full, conscious breath.
• Our last most positive thought…about ourselves.
• The last time we asked ourselves “how did I contribute to this situation?”
• The last time we reflected, if even a couple minutes, on how something went or could have gone better (if meditating is out of your “I want to do” list, no problem…reflecting is a beautiful thing and the beginning of a rich meditation).
• The last time we consciously stopped talking so the other person (adult, child, client or family member) could have more time…
• The last time we consciously told ourselves our story/advice/time mattered and that taking up space is great and our voice ~ even better.
In watching tourists all over Croatia, these nuggets became reminders…I noticed how unconsciously we sometimes walk the world (and take others with us). And this is in all forms…business, vacation, just generally in life, our neighborhood etc.
I remember in yoga the first time my teacher/guru told us that it wasn’t a crime to bump into each other…that we didn’t have to say “sorry” (are we we really sorrow-filled?) every time we bumped into each other doing yoga. And she was right. However, I also believe there’s an acknowledgment of sorts that needs to happen with those around us…a hello, a recognition (“knowing smile” I think was made for this), a stop to talk for a couple minutes to show we’re connected.
THIS is my favorite part of travel…the connectedness and the learning from others, even if it’s just for those two minutes and “goodbye, have a nice life…I may never see you again.” The best travel, business and/or life are made up of these these moments and memories. I like to build them up…you?
Warning: Step away from the computer. You’ll make more ;)
It’s really not about who works the longest but who works the smartest.
We’ve all heard this, right?
And it’s true.
But “smarts” doesn’t always have to do with intellectual power but with the wisdom to know when it’s time to put everything down and take time for self-care; to let the creative (and connected) juices flow…
This is when we gain clarity on WHY we do what we do…and when we start to write more connected blog posts, social media posts and have more connected conversations with prospective clients.
We become more calm vs frantic.
1. Walk away.
2. Do something you love.
3. When you’re done with that…take time to free-write “My purpose with this business is…..” Let yourself write until you can’t anymore. You might stop after 10 minutes, you might stop after 25. It’s all good…
4. Use what you come up with to guide your communication and your sharing.
5. Your ideal clients thank you. You’ve now made it easier for them to find you…