Tag Archives: what is branding

Featured as a “Top Creative” in ORIGIN Magazine!

Who else to share fun news with but with the MGI community!

While on a girlfriend holiday in Argentina the last week I received a text from my hubby telling me he was flipping through ORIGIN and that I was featured as one of the nation’s top creatives in their latest issue (March 2013) of nation’s top creatives/athletes/leaders/filmmakers/musicians. We had NO idea this was happening so I must say that I’m now ever more convinced that taking more time away from the office is key. I seem to always find out great news while away savoring.

If you haven’t yet enjoyed this “conscious culture” magazine, please do. It’s a real treat. You can find it at Whole Foods (#2 selling mag there!) or Barnes and Noble. You can also check out this issue and others online at: http://www.originmagazine.com/online-issues/.

And if you’ve read the magazine (or happen to read the feature), let me know how you like it.

Enjoy your business, enjoy your life!