Tag Archives: free branding consultation
Why I dance…
Why am I dancing so much these days? I’m in alignment. I know my purpose and am driven by it for all I do…
To get clear on your purpose (or your “truth”):
• Listen very carefully to what you get most heated about. What drives you to WANT to see change in the world? What could you easily spend two hours talking about non-stop?
• See where the through line between your passions, strengths and vision overlap. Jot each down (say 2-3 of your top) and note any common themes there. This give us great insight into what our mission/purpose is.
To dance more:
• Create a new playlist for yourself every month (I’m launching my new website late February and each season there will be a new playlist for all your beautiful ladies to download for fun. Stay tuned. And where could you infuse some new music energy into your life?)
• Dance on your hike and/or sing as you run and listen to your mojo-filled music. Double the calorie burn?
• Create time for a dance party at home at least once a week (ask people to join you or, heck, just go at it alone…great thing about dancing is that you don’t really need anyone else)
• Check out a dance class at a legit dance studio. I had never tried one until early last year and it was such a blast. I highly recommend it. Step outside the norm and make yourself authentically happy. Your clients and your bod will thank you!
In short, whether you’re a music girl, love to dance or not, enjoying your business and life in your own, unique way WILL make you feel in alignment. Things will hum (you may too) and happiness will stick around much more consistently.
Much love!
Being your true self… (and new haute brand shots!)
People, ideal clients, your “target market” buys you long before they buy your products and services. Are you as the founder, CEO, president showcased and sharing your genius?
Those are my questions for you today.
And because I know you have little time, let me jump straight into the sharing of some of the new MGI re-branded photography. And if you take away one thing let it be this: you can make happiness your business by doing it is what YOU want in it.
If you take away two things let the second be: you are the brand…you are enough…and you have all that it takes to great a HAUTE, charismatic brand inside of you (I mean with all your juicy stories and experiences and professions and such…noone has it the way YOU do).
If you take away three things let the third and final thing be: it’s so important to represent all that you are (and give) via your photography and video. And today, right now, is the time to represent all *you* stand for.
You’re awesome. Share all of you. That’s your brand. And it rocks! (no apologies!)
Michelle & MGI Branding + Coaching + Empowerment Agency.
p.s. Much of MGI is staying the same, however, our new description for the company is what you see above ~’ branding, coaching and empowerment agency’ as we are the full-service go-to for savvy women growing authentic, crazily prosperous businesses that represent all (and I mean all) they stand for. Cheers!
YOUR IT factor…
My men and I going to a white party on New Year’s Eve in Mexico
Happy, happy new year, ladies! I’m back from nine days away and I must admit I’ve already jumped knee deep into many exciting projects (or continued with them, anyway)…you?
As we head into January and as I head into a pretty extensive re-brand photo shoot this coming weekend (!) all I can think of is the “IT factor”…you know, that IT factor that people talk about certain brands or people having? How do you get it?
Well, to me, the IT factor is easier to “get” than we think as long as you’re doing two things. You’re not born with it, you make it:
1. Innovate (the I in IT). We must constantly be innovating (changing, creating, renewing ourselves and our ideas/projects) in order to stay fresh and in order to communicate the most charismatic version of ourselves. Self innovation ~ I even LOVE the way that sounds. It stretches our happiness 1000% and in doing so we become way-hay more interesting…everyone wants to be closer to the girl having the most genuine fun at the party.
2. Truth (the T in IT). We must consistently live in and speak from our truth. We’re in flow in this spot…the sweet spot.
So there. You can have the IT factor in your business, your life and in all of your most thrilling projects. And you can have IT more and more everyday as long as you’re doing these couple things; really making them a habit, no matter how easy it might be to do the opposite.
Assess now…do you have your I and T in order? And, if not, is there a trip, a blog post, a book, an event that you could plan NOW (no more waiting) to jack both the I and T closer to a 10?