Someone asked me this question the other day on facebook “I have been sitting with a quote I saw of yours somewhere here in the land of FB – “Your purpose lies where your strengths, passions and vision overlap. This is truly powerful to me and I have been meditating on it since I read it. Any advice on gaining clarity? Questions I should ask myself?”
For a Business that Goes from Selling Once to Connecting for Life:
Here is my “quick” answer to all who are curious and/or searching for their purpose (and purpose statement). And definitely to all desiring more meaning and more meaningful clients in their lives and businesses.
Finding your purpose, similar to the process of creating a wildly successful business (BRAND) that means something to others, is an exercise in both focus and the “archaeological dig” on you (all things you).
The POP factor in a haute, authentic brand starts with getting into, what I like to call, your depth. Your purpose is how deep the river runs….and ideal clients love to feel this in your business.
To find your purpose is to find your unique depth; the depth that others will find to move them over and over again, too. THIS is the power of purpose and of branding from a place of depth and daring.
Your purpose is the first step or stage in the beautiful “branding” process. Though it’s a quick run-through, I trust it will help you.
Get clear on your purpose and let it lead you…
What’s all the fuss?
Most specifically, knowing your purpose is like knowing your last name or better yet, like knowing the star you were born under. It helps give a richness to your identity, it helps guide you and, overall, helps you stand taller in your quest to find the people, circumstances and opportunities that will support your growth. Knowing your purpose helps every piece of your life pie ~ your business, family life, your book-writing, your relationships, you name it.
Getting clear on your purpose helps you get clear on the voice and unique expression your business communication, tagline, programs, products and services (to name just a few) will have.
Getting clear on your purpose will help your mission’s message jump off the page and out of your mouth with zest and power because it will speak to the heart and soul of not only your business but of you…
What is “Purpose”?
Your purpose is what you are here to give to the world. This is and can be expressed throughout everything you do in your life. Your business is simply one avenue or expression of your life purpose.
Purpose work, just as in the general branding process, comes from recognizing where the through-lines or themes lie between all your many ideas, skills, vision and passions. So, think of that as you work through these exercises. What are the through lines or themes you see throughout all your answers?
Play investigator / archaeologist and let the answers flow out of you without judgment. Again, what are the majority of the answers saying or pointing to for you? What’s your truth? What’s at the heart and soul of everything you do, say and show on a daily basis?
My hunch is you already know and now it’s just a matter of making some decisions so they can then guide you to make other connected, clear, uniquely charismatic and consistent decisions throughout the whole of your business and most definitely throughout your communication.
You may try any of these three ways (or a combination of the three) to come to more clarity around your purpose. And, at the end, you should have a pretty good idea of your purpose statement as well. Lastly, please remember that, although this is a quick drive-by version of what goes into purpose work, you already have everything you need inside of you to gain full clarity on this trés important piece. While many parts of the branding process are more of an “art”, where you need an observer, this element requires doing the dig and then, to make it short and sweet, being honest as to what feels right!
Meet the heart and soul of your movement below and allow it to inject even more unique depth into your movement (because, let’s face it, what you do is way more than just a business).
Allow these exercises to open things up for you, beautiful woman. And enjoy. In joy.
How to find your purpose (#1):
• Jot down your three top strengths, three top passions and the vision you have for your life. If you can, jot them down side by side, in column form, first.
See where the overlap between your answers is. What are the common themes you see in each area? (Yes, you may jot down what others say are your strengths just as long as you make sure that what you note are the “top” or most commonly ones noted). Thank you to Juicy Geniuses for the spark and idea of a venn diagram to further illustrate this method of finding your purpose:
Your purpose and purpose statements lies where your strengths, passions and vision overlap.
Given the insight and clarity above, take a stab at your purpose statement:
My purpose is to empower/support/guide/create/establish/bring ____________.
How to find your purpose (#2):
• Jot down what you want to see more of in the world or in other words what you feel is missing from it. If you had to name two things (or two feelings) you want to see more of in the world, what would they be?
We could also ask, what are you so passionate about you’d fight for it? What would you fight for SO much, in fact, that you’d consider leading the movement?
Yet another way to ask it is, if you could get a room of people together every week for the next year for a big dinner party and lead the conversation, what would the one main thing be that you’d want to discuss most every time? Just as with the first way to find your purpose, there’s great insight here on your purpose and therefore on what needs to be injected more of into your business offerings and most definitely into your brand.
Once you nail what the themes or through-lines are, you can start to play again by filling in the blank.
Given the insight and clarity above, take a stab at your purpose statement:
My purpose is to empower/support/guide/create/establish/bring ____________.
How to find your purpose (#3):
• Jot down what you’re most passionate about (one thing) and what your most favorite clients are most invested in?
You can gain a great amount of insight into your purpose by seeing where the intersection is between what you’re passionate about and what your (favorite) clients are most invested in.
Once again, once you nail what the themes or through-lines are, you can start to play by filling in the blank.
Given the insight and clarity above, take a stab at your purpose statement:
My purpose is to empower/support/guide/create/establish/bring ____________.
For all three ways above, feel free to either write down just the one purpose statement or at 2-3 options, it's whatever works to yield the best and most honest work.
If you can, start getting more and more specific (or, better said, even if it doesn’t feel “specific” (truth is, many purpose statements feel “general” to my clients), at least make it something that truly speaks or sings to you; something that has you saying “YES, that’s me, beautiful, rich, purpose-filled me”).
Do your purpose statements make you feel like that yet?
Another tip: After working through each of the three ways listed here to get clear on your purpose and purpose statement, feel free to take the best ONE statement from each section above and see what the themes and through lines are between each of those favorite purpose statements.
By doing this last comb-through (at least for purposes of this blog/first try), it should be easier to find your true purpose and statement that you’ll be able to use as new-found energy to drive your business forward (your movement!) forward.
A business with their WHY clear and intact is unstoppable. Purpose fused with passion equals profit of a totally different kind and caliber.
Once you have your final purpose statement or, at least, better clarity on your purpose, you can then begin to align your business to it…everything from your business model, to programs and services, to partnerships you create, opportunities you say yes to, your branding and daily business decisions.
It’s amazing the insight this process gives into who we are, what we stand for, what can be infused into our businesses and how and why people will care as well as what exactly will motivate them to invest in themselves through us.
Get clear on that purpose and more easily find not only your party people, as I like to say, but your passion as a woman and woman in business again. Again, let that purpose guide the awesome changes (tweaks?) to your business and to ignite your next growth spurt; your next quantum leap in helping your world in only the way you can…..
This purpose work is simply one part of a brand that attracts consistent and IDEAL business.
And it’s just one part of what we’ll be going into during my next branding workshop in your city.
In my Branding Tour to Brand YOU coming to San Francisco, Portland OR and Vancouver BC (and more soon), we’ll cover purpose work as well as all the necessary pieces that will yield the following for you by the time our four hours together are over:
• Your unique brand personality.
• Your brand plan for not only next few months but for the life of your business.
For more information on the eight spots available in each city, please click the link below and come join us if it resonates:
First four ladies that sign up will also receive a 20-minute session with me ($250 value):
• San Francisco 9/27 at the Clift, 10-2pm
• Vancouver, BC 10/1 location and timeframe tbd
• Portland, OR 11/1 location and timeframe tbd
(more cities to come!)
Until next time or the next city, enjoy your business, enjoy your life!