Oh the streets of Culver City
Why am I dancing so much these days? I’m in alignment. I know my purpose and am driven by it for all I do…

To get clear on your purpose (or your “truth”):
• Listen very carefully to what you get most heated about. What drives you to WANT to see change in the world? What could you easily spend two hours talking about non-stop?
• See where the through line between your passions, strengths and vision overlap. Jot each down (say 2-3 of your top) and note any common themes there. This give us great insight into what our mission/purpose is.
To dance more:
• Create a new playlist for yourself every month (I’m launching my new website late February and each season there will be a new playlist for all your beautiful ladies to download for fun. Stay tuned. And where could you infuse some new music energy into your life?)
• Dance on your hike and/or sing as you run and listen to your mojo-filled music. Double the calorie burn?
• Create time for a dance party at home at least once a week (ask people to join you or, heck, just go at it alone…great thing about dancing is that you don’t really need anyone else)
• Check out a dance class at a legit dance studio. I had never tried one until early last year and it was such a blast. I highly recommend it. Step outside the norm and make yourself authentically happy. Your clients and your bod will thank you!
In short, whether you’re a music girl, love to dance or not, enjoying your business and life in your own, unique way WILL make you feel in alignment. Things will hum (you may too) and happiness will stick around much more consistently.
Much love!