Today is my first post of 12 (celebrating 12 years in biz) sharing part of my story through entrepreneurship and book-writing, especially as it pertains to life, motherhood, love, growth and gratitude.
I have new projects cooking that have inspired this sharing and to be honest, losing my 22 year old brother three months ago has opened me up like nothing ever has before. If you've been following my posts, you probably already know that. I've been a writer from a young age but stopped for a bit…this loss has shoved me back into the craft. The craft that I feel helps others while it heals you.
So, as I find my way back, I've decided to share some 'In love with being human' writings as I write them.
In love with being human…
Sometimes in life you get (or create) a chance to do what you really want professionally. I've gotten to do that now for 12 years and I'm all about celebrating it today and all month, maybe even for the next six. [two words: branding tour]. My next natural thought is this one: Josh and Nolan have made it even more fun…and so much easier.
Which reminds me…when Nolan (8) doesn't want me to leave on a work trip, I've been known to start with "I understand…but you know how you love to play on the playground with your friends at school? (yes) And the feeling you get when you do it? (yes) Well, mama has her own playground. My playground is my business and the travel I do for that business is the play; it's really fun for me. Just like you, I do both my learning and my playing at the "school" called "my business." I don't love being away from you but what I do love is that I come back an even sillier, more fun and happy mama. Don't you think I come back sillier after my trips and with a lot more cool ideas and fun plans for us? (yes)." (two smiles & sometimes also one of those juicy human hugs)
It may be obvious that I love getting the chance every day to help women lean into their voice, their true authentic passions in business and through the expression of that business (if isn't…it really is, I love it). But what is maybe not so obvious is how my heart goes pitter-patter in the most unique way when I realize what Nolan sees and feels as I do my thing and as I take him along for the ride, sharing as much as I can as I do it. I also appreciate that he's able to feel the emotion of "I don't like this mama traveling thing one bit" in his body one minute and flows to "but I like seeing my mom happy" in the next.
I love when I asked him, "hey, Nolan, what's an entrepreneur??? Do you know?" and he swiftly answered "Someone who does branding."
I love that he understands what I do helping women with their "branding" and how he SOOO gets what Walking Momtra is all about at her core. I feel a poke on my waist/back/side often and love the gift I get when I turn to look at him: "I have a new Walking Momtra quote for you…"
I love that he sees me reading everything from Death and Dying to Lean In and that he asks me what they're about and I have time to tell him. I am grateful that he sees me cry. And that when he holds me I simply say "I miss Dino." He never says a word. He simply pats my back or kisses my lips.
I love having the opportunity to complete the human puzzle in moments like these and create a sense of equilibrium for both of us again in a new moment. This normally comes when I wipe my tears and start laughing with him realizing my mascara has run all over my face.
I even "love" that he recently HEARD me get 25 stitches in the bottom of my foot in a hotel room on vacation in Europe and that besides some crying (ouch) and some screaming (OUCH) through the biting of a hotel towel (hilarious), there was no unnecessary, additional drama around what happened or how I'd get around "Pain is human, suffering is optional,” a spiritual healer once told me. Anyhow, I called the front desk to ask about crutches ("stampelle" in Italian) and was ecstatic to get them. Legs! "Hey Nolie, I’m grateful for these crutches.” Gratitude makes it hurt less…
I especially love his honesty in telling me how both the mascara down the face thing and the crutches slash bandage on my foot thing are "really not stylish" and that I looked better before the accident. Funny stuff.
In love with being human…
I love that he sees how real REAL can be. How both crying and laughing are good for the soul and how they help us learn and let go. And that his mom is better for doing both, when she feels the need to. And that he can do the same…even though he's a boy.
Recently, I loved hearing him say "I wonder what I can do NEXT" after he nailed a presentation in front of industry peeps the other day. And I LOVE having the opportunity to tell him how nervous I still get doing certain new things in my life/business. I love sharing what I do to change the quality of the energy inside me in those moments. I love following it up with "And the good news, which probably doesn’t sound like good news is it never really, totally goes away. But that's a good thing…you know why? Because it means we're always learning and loving the embracing of new things and new people. Which is what life, school, business and a life worth having is about. So breathe whenever you feel scared. If it's at school, feel free to go into the restroom, close the stall door, take three to five breaths, feel the difference, then tackle whatever it is that you have to do or decide on." Breathing makes it hurt less…
'In love with being human' has brought me to one realization over and over again ~ > that it's all connected. What I say to Nolan, to clients, when I write, when I run, when I cry, when I travel, when I’m homebound with crutches, when I push through the fear, when I stand up for what I believe in or just stand in line to buy Nolan yogurt at Menchies.
Bottom line is that what you make the opportunity for in one part of life, helps lift up another part (Many times, it’s the very important part of you that is your child).
What we grow the opportunity for in our businesses gives way and contributes to greater goodness in our personal, spiritual and emotional lives. And, what we create honest space, learning, gratitude and love for in our personal lives yields purposeful work and great dividends in our businesses.
I love this connection and I love the many shades of the rainbow the human journey takes us to and through. And more than ever recently, I love the gratitude that fills me inside for Nolan being able to get an inside look at what a woman (women) can create inside and outside of herself (themselves) when she (they) allows all kinds of moods and moves in life and business to stretch her. Because just like the best yoga practice, the combination of it all eventually makes you way, way, way more flexible.