Living in LA, I see celebs often. And recently with the launch of my Walking Momtra radio show (soon to debut!), celebrities have been top of mind as I’ve reached out to some to be a part of the show. Just today I had renowned celebrity yogi trainer, Kristin McGee (, on to talk about re-invention and happiness on and off the mat. She talked of Tina Fey and it cemented this thought for me…
…those actresses who embody and really believe in the message they’re delivering are wonderful examples of how we can believe in and embody our brands.
When we believe in our vision (our “new story”) we must also fully accept and embrace the lines, moves and action steps that GO with that vision.
And, in order to create the brand we know ourselves to be (in order to LIVE the lives we want to live) we must first start by getting to know this new story intimately.
THIS is exactly the reason we go through the branding process: to do an archaeological dig on ourselves. To un-cover the story. The drive which I also call the “internal audit.” The branding process turns up these fabulous relics we’ve let be buried for way too long. And it all starts with…permission. Then, play, just like the actresses do it.
When we do this we not only find our new story (out with the old) but we find our purpose, our message to the world and how to build a sustainable and authentic BRAND around that message.
Branding is so much more than branding…oh yes, and you’ll un-cover that too.