Tag Archives: Michelle Ghilotti

Am I Delaying What I Want?

Am I Delaying What I Want?

“Where in my life am I delaying what I want?”

Ask yourself. 

And continue…”and why delay how connected I am to those I love/how much opportunity I allow in my profession or in my life as a business owner/how alive I feel in my body or with my health?” [Do I not feel worthy (of better or best), do I feel it’s not going to work anyway so why try, or am I (still, like years ago) waiting for someone else to make the first move? (With all due respect, you’ll be waiting forever 😘)]. 

Ask the question at the top of the page in a notebook or word doc (writing to yourself = coaching yourself).

✨Increasing awareness (about ourselves andddd anything and everything in our lives and why they are the way they are) automatically initiates an accountability, a spark (energy/movement), for what needs to happen in order for us to have it be different…better…best. 

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

Are Your Strengths Your Weaknesses?

Are Your Strengths Your Weaknesses?

My strengths (many of them) are also my weaknesses. Ask Josh & Nolan. 



Part of what having a sense of self or a deeper hold / grasp on our [true] identity (who we are without all the chatter, hurts or doubt) is having a sense of humor around both those strengths and weaknesses…

Having and keeping lightness is keeping what I call neutral about it all. 

Not overthinking either of them, as in, not overthinking or patting ourselves on the back around how great we are because of what we can naturally do, nor thinking down on us because of the parts we feel more challenged by is having a sense of ourselves that is most observer than critic. 

Knowing who we are (at the core core core) is felt or exercised by being more of that ~ more observer vs critic… 

The observer will still tell you where you need to go and how you need to grow, whereas the critic will beat you down so that neither are in view (the opposite of growth, death). 

Also, observation (distance) *and* neutrality are best friends with peace which is always the more helpful and healthful state ~ a feeling of grounding (just like a tree we need to feel more grounding on the daily, so we can root — or grow — up).

Being the observer of our strengths and weaknesses (or how the former can also BE the latter 😉 allows us to really hear people when they have something to say around how what we said or did affected them…and do or say something different next time (~> growth/betterment/development).

Observation and peace allows us to become more aware of who we are at each moment which then usually presents us the opp to change or “fortify” our weaknesses, knowing, of course, that we’ll never be done with that fortifying…


I find it both funny and reassuring that we’ll never be done. None of us (that’s the reassuring part).

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good,

Don’t Wait Until Later

Don't Wait Until Later

I have an idea! Let’s not leave anything until later. 

Say it now, do it now, rest now, speed it up now. All of what you know (you know!) deep down you need most now.

And for those who it makes sense for…get to that passion project, business creation and/or life fulfillment strategy nowww. 

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

An Intentional Life

An Intentional Life

A cannon just above my head in the photo wasn’t the intended vibe, but this is: an intentional life. 

What do you intend to *feel* in your life on the daily? Create that within yourself. Search out consistent individual experiences, personal development and honesty practices (underdeveloped in women) that cause the intended feeling to erupt out of you. 

My answer in a *feeling* is always peace (always). To me, if we feel peace inside consistently, we can touch happiness and joy and elation way more easily. It’s what I want most in life (for all, really), so I do a lot that brings that out or in…

It’s “work” (if we want a fulfilling, fruitful life, we can’t let our guard down;-), but it’s worth it.

Don’t look to others to do “it” for you; to find or BE the peace or happiness or balance for you.

My peace (how I experience it, how I enjoy MY life) = it’s really all I have control over because, in the end, renegade photog husbands will do what *they* want to do. 😉

[p.s. there was life in the form of rabbits (many) hopping around the military museum in Paris!].

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.