Tag Archives: Michelle Ghilotti

My Legs Shook (Video)

Ah, this is an ode to grief! To grief and to choosing your challenges, so you suffer less at the hands of the challenges that come chosen for you by life…

What’s next for you? What is your next chosen challenge?

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

Moms Carry THIS

Moms carry the mental load, both visible and not visible! I know you know. I know you feel it because we all feel it… and though we are good at it, it’s not always good *FOR* us!

Take care of yourself, mama. Take gooood care of yourself.

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

Your Next Idea (+Empty Nesting)

It’s awesome to look at, listen to or watch your grown son (or daughter) and FEEL they’re ready for something, for the next thing (whatever that next thing may be).

And creative woman/mama/nurturer to so many — what’s yournext thing!? Just one idea can do wonders, not just for your business, but your LIFE — if you act on it. 

Time to act on it?

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…
To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good!