Tag Archives: Fountain of Youth

Fountain of Youth

Fountain of Youth

I found the fountain of youth.

It’s inside my husband. 


I saw it clearly recently on his birthday…that to feel alive (more excited about what lies ahead versus what lies behind you), to have people want to be around you often AND to look *at least* seven years younger, it’s about clean living (not the type you’re thinking of)…

Clean living —— he does all these things, or tries most days to live here and I *feel* it (he’s sitting next to me right now waiting for Nolan’s second to last high school soccer game to start).

Fountain of Youth

Clean thinking, clean thoughts…
…about self and others (genuinely wanting the best for both).

Clean giving…
…without expecting anything in return (yet receiving ALL the love and support you need —always and both from seen and unseen sources).

Clean speaking…
…speaking life into those you love (and even into those you don’t know)…good human’ing.

Clean perspective…
…about work/life balance and about what’s most important.

Clean. Living. (and Loving).
…live…love longer!

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.