Tag Archives: Michelle Ghilotti

My Son, I Leave You…

My Son, I Leave You…

LA has been so good to us. But mainly, we have been good to us. 😉 

Isn’t that how it is and how it goes? When we are good to the people around us and the people around us are good to us, that’s what makes wherever we are AMAZING, no? 

I remember the last time we lived outside of the US, saying to my husband, Josh — ‘you could blindfold me and plop me in ____(fill in the blank, most places in the world and not just the ones where we have all the creature comforts) and I would be happy…I would make my happiness.’ 

And I have — in different cities and in different countries, with and without a man, with and without a baby, with and without post partum depression, with and without any sun or rain, with and without creature comforts, with and without tragic loss…

Of everything I may leave to you, son, may I leave you this?

Life isn’t always easy (true for ALL of us), but if we are not
a c t i v e l y creating our own heaven (what this photo expresses to me), surely it can or will be the opposite. 🙂

So — we create our heaven. Especially, especially, especially during the harder, less maybe ‘heavenly’ moments. 

If I had to live this life over again, I would. And that includes everything that I’ve experienced in it…everyyything.

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

He’s Leaving Soon! (Preparing For A Lifetime)

He’s Leaving Soon! (Preparing For A Lifetime)

I feel like we’ve been preparing for this next [emptier nest] season for a lifetime.

We spent much time on bunny slopes early on. Loads of non-rushed cuddle time, pausing every time I said “my son” because I couldn’t believe I had been b-b-blessed (4:56am on a Monday in the Netherlands…”what did we get!?” I asked Josh). These same nights, filled with little sleep, turned into days where we were also maneuvering a baby’s illness that we couldn’t figure out, which, in part, launched mama into post-partum depression. Even this last part, as tough as it was, grew our love and introduced us to who we were as a little family. We took it slow on these bunny slopes…

But things sped up —

We soon started to glide down blue diamonds during school-age years (so fun) — bingo nights, much soccer, many naps (together), “mama days” at the beach in Marina Del Rey or at the Natural History Museum, silly dances and goofy faces, the time of starting to travel to exotic places…(I attempted still to take it slow).

Today, we are feeling the wind in our hair, finding our feet underneath us as we take on exciting black diamonds, these are fast times (!) prepping for what’s new and next for alllll of us as we watch birdie take on another bright peak — still consciously simmering as much as possible (aka much slow and yummy home life and family time) but, as we know, time is a thief…

When they are young, we think of them as the gift (and they are), but what you realize as they get older is that the gift that keeps on giving is the flying you actually do *with* them! ~>> Inside a more adult relationship that, without a doubt, includes the joy of friendship (let go of any supposed rules and allow it).

Why didn’t anyone tell me how F U N this part was! The night sky? Gorg here. 🙂

As much change as is coming and fast, it’s exhilarating up here!!! I’ll still play at slow, but surrender to speed, too, as long as we have each other…

Think it so and it is, it only continues to get better! 

Are you in this stage of life too? If not, feel free to forward this to someone who might need it. (xo)

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

I Love Going To…

I Love Going To...

It might sound weird but I love going to prison. It is some of the most important and transformative work.

And as I told Josh immediately after the second day was complete, “I feel like you and I coming together to do something purposeful is what our relationship is about.”

It’s all true, I do enjoy going to prison because of what we are able to accomplish in support of rehabilitation (all respect to the Compassion Prison Project!) and I do also want to continue using our love for great good.

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.