As you’re reading this, we’re on a plane to France to “drop“ Nolan off at college AND to live in Europe ourselves!
Some of you have probably seen my stories or posts on social media about this move, but I have not shared it fully here with you, my MGI community, so here it is! Well, the short version (because it really is — short…simple).
We’ve been wanting to move back to Europe for about five or six years and after Nolan made his decision to go to school abroad, we, too, made the decision to do our thing abroad as well and OF COURSE how HAPPY we are to be near Nolan as he expands into this next season of his life…
I’m sure I will go deeper into everything once I land in Paris, but for now, I will say that we are so excited and also so utterly exhausted from planning this move. We’ve done it two other times (expat living, that is), but, I think it is like childbirth…
you forget how much work it is, until you do it again lol!
But for now let me get back to Nolan and what this season means to me…
It’s the end (and beginning!) of an era! That’s what I first have to say…
So many of us feel that way right now, as we prep to take our kids to college, the time where they will live away from home for the first time, and where parents realize that they will never live with them (or commune) in the same way again.
The young years, 0-17! We say goodbye and thank you because these were years that filled our home and hearts with such goodness. The purest joy and nurturing!
And now ~ to what’s next and new; BONJOUR to the years I know will add a similar (but different) goodness. An adult child type of joy and connection! I welcome this season SO fully.
It just KEEPS getting better (Nolan and I have sooo much fun together!) and I’m also keen on acknowledging the feelings of sadness that come with the winds of change. But, of course, there’s sadness!
But you know what never changes? The foundation and bond created and strengthened with the quality time, effort, love, communication, respect, fun and delight given to them throughout those 0-17 years.
For those going through a similar life shift, let’s lean on this love *and* keep growing with them…whatever they need as young adults (which will be at times wildly different than when they were little) — let’s give them exactly that!
Exactly! That! I’m ready!!! (and even if I’m not, I’m ready! :-).
I love you Nolan Luc Mandel, go on with your bad self…France here he comes!!!
More to come, stay tuned!
Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…
To the best of the rest of your life!
Life is good.