Author Archives: michelle

NEW opportunity: half and full day intensives. Holiday pricing!

I had a phone call with Germany!

And you know what happened?

I have a new client.

AND you know what else happened?

I realized YOU too might need support but NOT be at a place to start working on your branding and logo (which is the only program I’ve been communicating lately). Or, you might have your branding/voice/essence nailed down already…

I recommended either a HALF or FULL-day intensive to help her 1) create the details behind her first program, 2) create a clear marketing plan for it 3) and discuss specific ways to create blogging and video-opportunities to educate her German audience on the benefits of life coaching.

We were elated about this size “container” because it was in alignment with these pressing short-term goals.

What are your current goals and could this be something you need to receive as well?
If so, below is MGI’s holiday pricing.


HALF-DAY (four hours LIVE or via skype/phone) INTENSIVES ~ $750 (normally 1250)

FULL-DAY INTENSIVES (eight hours LIVE or via skype/phone) ~ $2000 (normally 2500)

These blocks of time can be done all at once to maximize creative energy or broken out, inquire within.

This is for you if…

• You need specifics on how to market a particular program.
• You need some major practical inspiration before the end of 2011 to bring in more business (creative ideas and how-to’s)!
• You need help attracting more fans to your facebook page (we can create three ads for you to run…they work!)
• You need help taking a seed of a business idea to a business idea that is ALIVE and KICKING not to mention super CREATIVE and UNIQUE. MGI is an idea generator!
• You need practical inspiration heading into 2012 to come out with a fresh, on-brand program.

• You need help creating programs or packages that are “on-brand”.
• You need help with your tagline.
• You need help with your business name.
• You need help with how-to create your own impactful, “on-brand” and well-designed newsletters, blogs, solo mailers and sales pages.
• …whatever business, marketing, branding or design need in YOUR situation and YOUR business…let me know.

Here’s what clients had to say…

• MGI takes an amazing hands-on approach of working with each client from a fresh perspective. Michelle’s intuitiveness to understand and read between the lines of what each client is looking to create is the absolute key to her success in creating one-of-a-kind projects…Tamara, Blue Eye Boy, PORTLAND

• I‘m VERY happy with the results we achieved in just 3 hours ~ I’ve got my elevator speech done, editorial calendar, two fun ads, and a welcome banner for my facebook page, ideas for the content & headline of my website and newsletter. And; the whole process was…fun! Kristina, Lifestyle and Health Coach, LOS ANGELES

Grab your intensive now and most importantly snatch up all the opportunity that still exists in 2011. Book by emailing

YOUR needs are my goals/deliverables…Happy holidays!

Michelle Ghilotti

p.s. The year is not over yet. And neither are your opportunities.

Giving Back, a Down-dog & how your business can give back too.

I’ll begin teaching yoga philosophy and movement to teenage girls from Santa Ana after Thanksgiving and nothing could make me happier. I liken this to those dream business opportunities where you love the client and project as much as they need and love you!

I truly believe I need them (the learning they’ll impart) as much as they might “need” what I have to teach them. Knowing me it’ll be a lot of laughing and taking ourselves way less seriously than we normally allow ourselves during school and work hours. The love, learning and lessons will be cheekily woven throughout.

I understand and hear many of us WANTING so badly to give back yet not having time (or not feeling like we have the time) to research the who/where/how.  Here’s where to start. While sitting in front of your fire the next couple days or before bed during this next important holiday, think…

If you were to strip it all away, what are you about? What moves you?

What things do you love to do?

What could you easily teach?

What is your business about? How could you use these strengths to give of your time or resources, if even once a month?

1) Create a short list (3-5) charities that fit your company or your values. If you’re doing this for your business, think of the charity aligning with your business goals and company mission. It’s easier than you think. At its core, MGI is about empowering women and girls to do what they really want in life so it was a natural fit for me to want to work with teenage girls heading to college. It was also natural I teach them yoga as I’m certified and currently writing a book about yoga philosophy…

2) Ask the charity the following questions: how will donations be spent for the upcoming year? If you can give of your time ask about their schedules and just how you can give if even an hour or two each month. It’s seriously that easy. One hour. Once a month. Ask them what their mission is (if it isn’t already clear). Your values should and can compliment each other and have a shared purpose.

3) Ask your employees what they think. There’s nothing better than to get your employees in on the decision-making. A few heads on this stuff is always better than one. Plus, you’ll ensure success.

4) Make a decision, take a load off and give back. You won’t believe how empowered those you’ve helped will feel (they’ll tell you) but how empowered YOU will feel each and every time you leave. Again, we think people need us when in reality we need this kind of receiving as well. Talk about an even energy exchange…

Start today and continue giving through 2012. What if your life and the life of others depended on your heart opening in this way??

MGI is currently giving 10% to a women’s or children’s charity of your choice. If you’re in need of your true brand identity and a logo that cuts through the clutter, check out the details before November 25th:

Life is good.


Brand Essence (and what seven takes on a video has to do with it)

This weekend I did seven takes (maybe more) on my work video (to the right). The numerous takes weren’t because it was Sunday morning after a fun Saturday night. I had my game face on. And it wasn’t because there was perfectionism at-play and I know this for two reasons:

First off, one entire chapter of the book I’m writing (Walking Momtra) is all about debunking the perfection myth. And yes, you guessed it; I work hard at practicing what I preach. Secondly, if I thought perfection existed (or was “about” it), the FINAL video I chose would not have included the flubs and repetitions it does. In fact, the video I chose was, intellectually, the most imperfect.

I chose it for one main reason: it held more of the essence of my brand. It may not seem like a video that’s going to change the world (;-) but I know it had that je ne sais quoi clients have come to expect from Michelle Ghilotti Int’l.

And this is what branding is: a collection of thoughts and feelings your target has around their experiences with you/your brand. It’s these intangible elements that keep them coming back when they need someone in your field. When someone has this level of involvement with your company, this level of piqued interest, chances are you have a client for life (and an advocate!).

Take a second right now to think about what type of experience your clients or potential clients have when they come to your various outlets? How much of that feeling/tone/vibe would you keep the same and what areas would you change? How could your communication and identity better match the expertise and love you have for what you do?

And remember “branding” and putting our proverbial best foot forward with our identity is not about perfection. It’s about your honest and unique brand essence. Flubs, repetitions allowed. The next time you create a newsletter, revise your website content or create a video (and are three takes in;-) remember that.

Life is good.

Connect with Michelle on Facebook and Twitter.