Tag Archives: Michelle Ghilotti

New Project Launching Soon!

New Project Launching Soon!

We’re launching a new relationship-focused project, STAY TUNED and follow along on Instagram so you’re one of the first to know!

New Project Launching Soon!

Here’s the deal…

A new season of empty nesting, midlife & our expat journey having just moved to Europe calls for a new project to continue to enliven our relationship, while also sharing something you might enjoy or receive ideas from…

We’re planning on having a lot of FUN in 2024 (the plan for the last 25 years).

And our promise to “use our love for great good” continues…

We started the Greater Good Parties in LA and other cities five years ago focused on bringing people together with amazing speakers and up-leveled conversation for the purpose of inspiring others to move purposeful projects from the back burner to the front burner of their lives. The traveling parties were a big success.

We’ve also been doing prison reform work together for many years now, as well as recorded The How Good’s This Podcast for awhile (did ongoing FB lives about creativity & couple-ship alongside the pod, too)…

As a couple, we’ve also tag-teamed on teaching marketing classes at a university and have come together to work with brand and marketing for many clients (we met at our first ad agency job in SF in ‘98 and karaoke one night sealed the deal).

Best of all, we had a baby (a man now ;)) and we’ve been clear that we get to make more “babies”, aka create together for the length and life of our relationship.

We’ve enjoyed it all SO much. So, we’re starting our new project to gift you ideas and inspiration for your romantic relationship… COMING SOON.

If you’re in a relationship or want to be (in a healthy, fun one), keep your eyes peeled on my @couturehappiness page on IG and have a ball!

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

What Life Do YOU Want?

What Life Do YOU Want?

“Here’s to choosing a life we want to live in Europe.” That’s the toast Josh led with recently. And he said it in LA where we lived for 12 years (Nolan was five when we moved from Guadalajara). Pip squeak’s now a full-blown man doing life his way!

So grateful for our many years in LA and for what was felt, learned, created and experienced in this place filled with shine.

What Life Do YOU Want?
What Life Do YOU Want?
What Life Do YOU Want?

My guys are back to Paris now and I am spending some awesome time with my beloved college bffs.

But for now, this chapter of the first family visit back to where we once lived is complete!

Either here or there, the same perspective on life holds: it’s good. Great actually. We’re SO alive and with more time to love up on our people and have more adventures.

Life, keep life-ing! 


Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

We Deeply Wanted To…

We Deeply Wanted To...

We deeply wanted to…

Downsize while upsizing the daily experience of our lives. Experiences over everything.

Be around art so easily or walk by it in the architecture that makes up the city.

Buy our groceries every couple days (one of our favorite things while living in Amsterdam).

Trade in the car(s) for traveling within a/the country by train — and lots of walking…

Experience different cultures.

Live in a city where everything we needed was within a 5-15 minute walk (or a 45 minute walk… walking).

Travel easily and each weekend if that’s what we had the time and desire for.

Find comfort in new ways…

Feel anonymous (for a while), but make new friends from diverse backgrounds. Community & relationships ~ in the end, it’s what makes an experience an experience. People.

Feel a little lost.
Feel a lot found.

Feel free…

It’s less that we didn’t love our life in our previous city because we LOVE life wherever it’s been lived (you make it that way). [I’ve always said to Josh “You could put me on a plane, blindfold me and drop me in a new city to live and I’d make it a happy life.”]

But we simply *liked* certain parts of daily living in the U.S. less and less the last handful of years. I’m aware, too, that once you’ve lived outside at least once, you crave what that brought or brings your soul (exploration, student over expert, curiosity etc…).

It’s all true.

But it’s really this: experiences over everything. Suits and soothes most sizes ~ all souls.

Paris Over The Years…

Paris Over The Years...

Bringing Nolan to Paris for the first time six months after he was born in Amsterdam.

Paris over the years…

So proud of the baby-turned-man! His first semester of college is officially in the books!

So much life has been lived through him the last four plus months since leaving the United States.

Paris Over The Years...

Visiting Paris from Amsterdam on our babymoon.

Paris Over The Years...

Paris throughout the years.

Josh and I couldn’t be more proud of this loving man’s stamina, his deep and inquisitive FUN soul, his creative ability teaching himself new skillsets inside new passions, his bravery traveling on his own to different countries and everything in between that he’s learned and conquered while here with more to come.

We loved this city then and we really love it now.

Who are *you* proud of? It could be YOU. 😉

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.