Freak out or flip it?
Flip it: all will be….well! Optimism and (being in) action have yet to let me down!
These are the chronicles of those wanting to live in another country (ahem, when they’re already IN that country)…what are you to do when your flight gets cancelled the morning before your LONG-AWAITED visa appointment in the United States (that you need because your three ‘free’ no visa needed months in that country are soon up)?
You can have a freak out (which will delay you even more because nobody does their best work when they’re freaking out) or you can take a couple breaths and decide within a few seconds, which we did, that everything was going to work out in our favor.
Dreams can make you werkkkk with their bumps, twists and turns…~>showing you how badly you really want it/them (the dream/dreams).
We did end up getting on a new flight. It was a connecting vs. direct flight, so, we crossed all fingers that it went well…
I rode this optimism allll the way. Seeing us making it, feeling it in every cell of my body because, well, we needed this flight to get us to New York by morning because our visa appointment for France and the UK was also, gulp, in the morning!
We ended up encountering quite a few bumps on this journey which included running through the Atlanta airport because of delays, our suitcases not arriving and many other little
But guess what? We made it to our visa appointment! Yes, we were very sleepy and in the same clothes, but we made it!
And now, we wait for another two weeks here in New York for our passports to be sent back to us with the France and UK visas INSIDE THEM.
Boy have we worked for and AT this — for over six months! And, I can honestly tell you that I’ve enjoyed the twists and turns along the way because as with all experiences worth having (say, like motherhood), there exists some sweat & pain and I’m always keen to see how I’m able to transform it and use it to fuel the rest of the journey. We are so much stronger and more resilient than we give ourselves credit.
Give yourself some credit! And try to enjoy the twists and turns of your own creative journey at the moment, whatever it may be.
Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…
To the best of the rest of your life!
Life is good!