Respecting Kids

Respecting Kids

We were talking last night (after this hike) how much we love being parents —

But it’s not just about our kid, it’s about loving on all kids around us.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve felt a deep connection to the idea of respecting kids.

When I was 17, I picked up my first book on marriage and family child counseling because I wanted children to feel the love of their parents and feel the love between their parents.

I knew back then that this was so important, in order for those kids to grow up to feel whole and confident within themselves and to become nurturing adults.

I did not get my MFCC license, however, the work I do today is pretty darn close, even though a lot of it the first two decades was through the start of purposeful businesses…

Helping women create businesses that are deep reflections of who they are and what they want to create in the world, as well as helping them create better relationships (through the one with themselves, identity work is great at this) is deeply gratifying & will only grow deeper roots as I bring in conscious dying coaching principles to the way I do 1-on-1 & group work.

Too often kids are not thought of as needing to be treated as we do adults ~> when we are both humans, and as humans, we need the exact same things!






…most times in families (society), kids are not brought into the conversation, are not asked how they feel, are not asked for their ideas and are definitely not respected in a more equal way to adults.

Crazy making!

They deserve to be and everyyyy time they are or every time you sit and only have eyes for them and genuinely share your presence (and share more of yourself!) with them, they become more of who they are meant to be, they need less external validation as they age and they go out into the world with more than an intellectual capability, one we call emotional intelligence…

(((To the kid in you, you’re deeply loved and respected))) and to your kids, show them, really show (up for) them.

Meet their innate wisdom with your presence & mutual respect & you will be giving them the gift of living into their true creative power.

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

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