In speaking with KC Baker from the School of the Well-Spoken Woman today on refining my talk around finding your happiness, the canvas of happiness came up.
What’s the canvas of happiness, you ask?
Two years ago, I started a 5ft x 4ft blank canvas entitled Things That Make Us Happy. It quickly went from blank to filled up with painted words, sayings, SHARPIE’d phrases, beautifully-pinned astronaut pictures, photos of places around the world and people that make me extremely happy. Even one lone cocktail napkin with a plan for a book I was to write is on there (and right now, a year later, I’m almost done with the book proposal).
…the list of everything and everyone that graces this board is heart-warming but also a visual (and pretty massive) reminder to keep doing those things that make life worth living and that brand this life, both in business and otherwise, as the good life. Because, as we know, it’s only as good as we make it.
The CofH is what I like to call an out-of-the-box version of writing down your goals to help them come to fruition. According to a Harvard Business School study, “written goals can translate into earnings of 10 times more than those who fail to establish goals or put their goals in writing.” Worth a try, no?
What makes you TRULY happy?
And, what are those simple things that provide this for you?
Furthermore, what are those big things ~ big dreams ~ that you know would provide joy or a peaceful contentment to your work and life right now?
Goal-setting is goal-getting. Writing down what we want really helps us get into motion.
The visual, the writing-down paves a path; keeps it real and keeps you honest (nagging voice saying “do it already”)…
To keep YOU moving forward…
Think of what would be on your happiness board. Write down the goal or the project, business idea or trip that would make you extremely happy to not just start on but accomplish a nice little chunk of this month.
What three people could you tell?
Telling others is telling the universe you’re serious about creating this life you want (deserve) so passionately. Showing others as is done in my living room with the canvas of happiness not only keeps us accountable to those things we’ve said we really want in life but also puts us in a grand position of support. Support propels us forward…quantum leap-style most times.
Now others can prod us along, can help us DO those things that light us up and that will contribute to our success.
If this feels like the little system that could…it is.
To your happiness.