“I’ve been on a quest lately and it’s been hard.” I’ve heard a version of this from many clients (and friends!) over the last couple years (a client even said these exact words)…
If that’s you and if this is related to getting the work that is yours to do BACK out into the world, let’s meet on the land…let’s take what I love to call a “nature bath” of sorts while we work on the business and brand elements of your all-important work or project, leaving you with THE refreshed idea and 60-day plan for getting it out there by early 2023.
Let’s clarify the brand language! Let’s create the uniqueness factor for the idea! Let’s make sure the business foundation and targeting is exactly what it should be! All in service to whats been on the backburner of your life that you are now finally ready to bring to the frontburner.
We will do at least two months of work in that day together and continue on inside another month of coaching to help see it all through…
It’s been hard (for many). Two plus years ago, many, consciously and unconsciously, put a halt to dreams, plans, ideas, businesses, events and, in many ways, their life force.
But we’re getting it all back and what better place to do it than at the beach or in the woods (you choose)!
As creative independent women, when we let go of what is ours to do in the world, we feel the opposite of flow, fire and empowerment and instead, get sick, feel stuck/stagnant, we spin our wheels and even start to get into all sorts of dis-ease within our relationships (I created what I knew I might need in a moment like this…truth is, I, myself, was in a recent moment of realizing that my creative power was hanging on the drying rack by the laundry room and it was making me feel less than equilibrium ~ you, too?).
Let’s go on a quest and fix that (and fix what’s not working or going to work in the new world with your idea or business)! This day together is modeled after a vision quest and my work inside ecopsychology and ritual/rite of passage practices which in 2019 culminated in a nine day vision quest), but it’s also modeled or customized after what you most need inside business (and because it’s all connected ~ life, too). [We’ll send you a custom questionnaire after we connect on the date you’d like to make the day exactly the parts of the business and brand you most need].
🔥 The Quest Adventure is both a business immersion, as well as a rite of passage (and we will have adventures during the day, keeping mum on them for now so you have soulful surprises…).
🔥 Throughout our day together, you will be guided and held through various experiences and inside ceremony that will attune and bathe the emotional body, as well as appealing to the intellectual and creative body inside the dive deep into the business or project idea elements coming out the other end with foundational decisions, brand identity specifics as well as the plan for how to attack getting this out early 2023.
The day and one month of coaching afterward will help you:
—Take what’s been unclear business or brand-wise for this particular idea or project and make it crystal clear (one of the things most clients need to gain clarity on is the conveying of their value and THE value to the world or their ideal clients of their offerings or products)
— Refresh your commitment to growing this to where you want and receiving monetarily what your offerings are truly worth
— Creating the brand language to the idea so you know how to talk about it in your marketing
— Confirm the target audience and their need of what you have to offer
— Refreshing the offer or program you want to launch
— Decide on the next three most aligned actions on the business side of things and the three most important elements on the brand side that you can continue with (this offering now also includes a full month of coaching so you and I will be able to continue working off the plan or list together). And more…
The last couple of years DEFINITELY deserves this Quest Adventure, a space and time to be held and witnessed for all we’ve been through, coming out the other end with complete clarity on how to revive and formalize the business idea and brand language to get it to those who need it most in early 2023. Again, we will talk about where you’re at now, fix or refresh what needs that, discuss what the brand language is and discuss the plan moving forward.
Quest Adventure Day Details:
Quest Adventure Day, a business immersion meets mini personal wellness spiritual retreat. PLUS NOW INCLUDES one (1) month of coaching after the day togetherfor the same investment [I realized with current clients that you’ll need this to fully bring what we decide on our day together to light)!! (The value of the monthlong coaching alone is more than double your investment for the day].
Time: 10am – 4:30pm. All day! As I always do with clients inside “VIP days” (my immersive 1-1 days), we will get approximately three months of work and branding completed in one day. That’s a promise.
Dates still available: November 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, December 8, 9, 14.
Location: Malibu, in the woods or at the perfect quiet (no people!) beach, you choose!
The day: A day that will feel like a rite of passage, while you also get work d-o-n-e (like nothing you’ve never experienced). After a ceremonial start of the day, introducing you to your adventure quests (!), we will review the current project, event experience or business you’d like to re-commit to and get to work on refreshing the foundation, the brand language and more, making it a hell yes for your ideal clients.
This is a day to work on an existing idea you put on pause and give you the “brief” of all the most important business elements it needs to have, as well as the brand breakdown of the most important brand pieces it should have include, too. You will leave with it all!
During our Quest Adventure Day, let’s look at it ALL, let’s rework and expand the idea, get it to where you want it, as well as get you the communication and brand language you need to sell it. Let’s take what’s been on the backburner of your life and bring it to the front burner.
Investment*: $1250. This now includes the Quest Adventure immersive day in nature PLUS one (1) month of coaching afterward (two 40- minute coaching sessions plus unlimited email the month after the Quest Adventure). A $300 non-refundable deposit holds your date. *Payment plan available, inquire within.

I can’t wait to work with you here in Malibu!
It will be my JOY to support you so that 2023 is a rich and vibrant year, just like you! And it is my joy to teach and specialize in helping business owners, both fresh entrepreneurs and those many years in business, continue to take their best ideas and purposeful ideas for businesses off the back burner of their lives. To help you massage an idea into one that is needed create a solid business foundation for, and to personalize and brand their project with values, beliefs, signature process, brand language to get it show ready (show to the world).
“Every now and then, God sends an angel your way to fuel the fire in your belly, give you the swift kick in your ass that you need to stop playing small.
My coach, Michelle Ghilotti Mandel has been that and so much more. She’s soulful, motivating, inspiring and doesn’t allow you to keep one ounce of what’s inside locked up.
I always tell this story. About 6 years ago, I saw her speaking at a women’s conference and I loved her energy then. I said, ” I want to work with her.” At the time , I knew I wasn’t ready for one-on-one work , but I began working with her in masterminds and retreat based work.
Eventually, like all destiny moments, we worked together, are still working together on some of the dopest things that I have ever imagined.
Michelle you are truly an activator. You have brought things out of me that I didn’t even see for myself. Today, I salute you.
She flew to Houston from California to be with me for my special night. If that’s not LOVE, I don’t know what it is. I value the relationship that we have formed over the years.
It’s more to do. It’s more to become. We are just getting started
~ Tamika Griffin
“Before working with Michelle, my brain was feeling as scattered as scrambled eggs, unsure about how to move forward with my online program. With Michelle’s guidance, during and after our centering session, my brain felt lightbulbs, aha’s, clarity and inspiration! Michelle helped ground this very personal program into a detailed outline with terminology my ideal clients can digest, implement and feel excited about. I can finally take this idea out of my head (and many worn notebooks) and help thousands of women go from feeling damaged to divine! I love that Michelle is experienced in her field AND that she leads with her intuition.” ~ Cindi Lee |
“Thank you for hosting such a generous day with The Creative Heroine Experience – a Remembrance Day for me really. In the past four months, I’ve made some HUGE shifts! It’s been a long time coming, and I thank you for bringing us all together so that I could hear my heart.” ~ Ashley Welton |
“Michelle is amazing at getting to the bottom of what makes you happy and building a brand from that place. Few people understand the power of branding, but it’s the smart ones who know that a well-thought out brand is the killer secret of successful businesses.” ~ Angela Jia Kim |
“Michelle has helped me get clear on so many things. Among them, why I’m in business, what I want my message to be and what my talents are. She is helping me create strategies for delivering my message consistently through our branding work together and I couldn’t be more grateful. She has helped me see that I have the skills I need to run a thriving business, and how valuable it is to get some help in seeing where your talents converge with your business. I am thrilled to be moving forward with a revamped brand and some awesome insights from our work together. Michelle really knows branding and knows that it is as much about the logo and visual pieces as it is about the inner work!” ~ Laurie Coyle |
Email me at michelle@michelleghilotti.com to book your spot now!