Standing at the podium.

On Saturday 2/25, I auditioned for the Listen to Your Mother Theatre show (a spoken word “thing”) in San Francisco. It’s part of a national theatre show that’s happening all across the country on Mother’s Day. This was another lesson in stepping outside of your box being trés rejuvenating. I’m convinced it’s great for younger-looking skin too 😉

Two more weeks to find out if I “snagged” one of twelve spots. . . will keep you all posted.

After that awesome experience at Fort Mason, I headed for an intensive with KC Baker, founder and owner of The School for the Well-Spoken Woman.

She and I are working on my talk to women/moms/women in business. Naturally while talking about what I believe about life, business and generally HAPPINESS, the tenets at the foundation of my work came shining through again and I wanted to jot some of them down here.

As always, I hope it inspires you to take the time to think about and write down what you stand for and what your potential clients and customers will (actually) be buying…it’s hardly ever just your product.

They’re buying you…they’re buying the WHY of what you do.
This is branding, this is marketing but, most importantly, it’s the truth.

Here’s some of what I believe that may not sound like it’s connected to my work but it absolutely is…

1) Most women think in order to experience success, they must hide or change a certain part or parts of themselves. “Be professional.” Act like someone else or SAY something else.” I believe the opposite is true. I believe we have to bring more of ourselves (the most of ourselves) and what lights us up into the focal point of our business in order to achieve extraordinary amounts of success.

2) Most women think in order to be a good partner, Mother or friend they have to put themselves second, last or not at all. Once again, I believe you have to do the opposite in order to create a happy existence; a happy home. I believe, if women focus on their happiness, they raise happiness.

3) Most women think you’re either born “happy”/”a happy person” or not.  I believe happiness is a muscle that can be strengthened and stretched, stretched and strengthened. Essentially, it’s totally and completely inside of our control, this happiness thing, no matter our past or current circumstances.

Now, the key to success in these areas ~ in your business, home life and, yes, even in your branding, is to make all of THIS your business. Make happiness your business.

Here’s how I think we can do that:

1) We must give ourselves permission.

2) We must practice doing it.

3) We must gain the ability. Essentially this means following the instinct we’ll gain from doing the above two things that then allows us to follow-through (and quickly) on what we truly want to do, authentically, in our lives and businesses…each time listening less and less to any version, sister, brother or cousin of fear…

Just as happiness is in our control so is this idea/illusion we have of fear…it’s all simply what we say it is.

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