This article is 150% inspired by my clients as of late…their haute fearlessness. And this is not just in branding or marketing themselves or their businesses but in living their happiest lives truly doing what they love.
This never goes out of style.
What would SHE do?
What would that woman do? (as in the YOU one year, two years and five years down the line)
When you think of the woman you want to become, what does she say to herself?
We are what we think about most of the time…
Would she focus on her accomplishments or her course corrections? Her trip-ups or the two steps forward she made after that door closed?
Celebrating our accomplishments, no matter how small, helps create more of what we want. Focusing, excessively, on what’s left to do or the opportunity “missed” creates more of what we don‘t want. It’s just the way it works and it’s not just yogis, the motivational speakers, the life coaches, the business coaches or inherently happy who say it…
When we celebrate and acknowledge all we’ve done and where we are now as a result, we allow for the making of additional space emotionally that allows for more of the same goodness to come in. And when we hit repeat and do this as a constant practice is when we truly give ourselves permission to not only receive success in our business but to live our best life.
We get what we focus on most of the time.
Let’s get real; you have gotten so far and there have been so many successes.
Focus on those things.
• Focus on having done the deed. On moving past the fear.
• Celebrate immediately having done it. No matter the outcome.
• Write down the top three things you learned from the experience (whether the full outcome you wanted presented itself or not). Leave that card or post-it in plain sight for at least one week afterwards. It will lessen the propensity to focus on the “not getting it.”
• Repeat.
We are what we think about most of the time.