Welcome to my labor of love, Walking Momtra™.
I founded Walking Momtra™ in 2010 to empower and arm moms with the mental tools needed to focus on their happiness so they could RAISE happiness. It started as a blog, quickly blossomed into a book (in the works!) and has now welcomed a juicy radio show every other Monday. I consider this book and community my purpose extended. And because of this, you guessed it, I dance.
As far as I’ve seen, lived, breathed and found with women over the course of my work and mothering, ‘focusing on your happiness’ simply means focusing on and following what your purpose is outside “the home.” If you don’t feel you’re simply one thing, you’re not. Follow the divine leading.
What is it creatively that you want to do in this life? Your gut answer is the right answer. It could mean extensive travel (near or far), writing a book, starting or growing a business, supporting or growing your own non-profit, getting up on stages or just singing, dancing or painting more (lots more). Even if you don’t know a thing about them right now, say YES and keep saying YES. The “how” will present herself. She always does.
What makes you feel alive? Daring? Confident? Sexy?
Listen closely and create what you want to be a part of now. Your children and the world at large benefit greatly. Do it for all of us.
Yes Walking Momtra™ is for moms, soon-to-be’s and mom entrepreneurs but the truths, mental yoga and buddhaful wisdom imparted speaks to all who believe truth and sustainability lie in being in the driver’s seat of our happiness and supporting others in doing the same. Simple as that.
We are all the creators and mothers of our own re-invention. And we all want the same thing: to live more free, peaceful, abundant and happy lives.
Welcome to Walking Momtra™: Where we focus on your happiness so you can RAISE happiness.
I personally invite you to dance over to our no-drama mama zone for love, light, a supportive community and a non-purist approach to loving life while we love and grow the next generation of peaceful warriors:
Grab your latest momtra of the week (you are what you repeat): www.walkingmomtra.com.
The WM talk show ~ free life, branding and business coaching: www.michelleghilotti.com/walkingmomtra-show.
Like/follow: www.facebook.com/walkingmomtrabeagoodmother. www.twitter.com/walkingmomtra
P.S. The munchkin in the photo above is my other “labor of love.”