Tag Archives: Michelle Ghilotti

Women Defined?

Women Defined?

Since the beginning of time, women have been looked at to care for matters of the home/heart. We’ve been the hub, the gatherers and the fireplace of it and for others in so many ways. How do you see Women Defined?

As a result, it’s no surprise that, whether in a relationship or not, we define or rest our more full happiness on the home we create (or will one day create, if we’re single). On being moms and wives. Being more or less happy, maybe, if we have these people in our lives. If we’re “good” at it or if they’re “making us happy” or not…

These two down there are a downright wildly gratifying *part* of my life and joy. But I’ve told them over the years they are not in charge of my happiness. A part, however, that can be mistaken easily and quickly for the whole upon ring or bump.

Though Josh and Nolan are brilliant expressions of my nest and next adventure, my nest and next adventure rests in me (it rests in us). How do you see Women Defined?

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life. 

Life is good.

Your “Method” (As World Opens Back Up)

Your “Method” (As World Opens Back Up)

Before receiving this reply from Josh (see our exchange below), I was putting the edible flowers into the salad bowl first, because why not the flowers before the spinach and lettuce (and why not flowers with your salad and eggs at 9:13am?).

We all crave beauty, expansiveness and time and that’s what so many of us got (back) this year and what we now want to keep…up.

The rush or the feeling of “have to” either calmed a lot or a bit (or even more), and either way, what I’ve heard from those I normally share time with is that it was W E L C O M E.

Supremely welcome.

Your “Method” (As World Opens Back Up)
Your “Method” (As World Opens Back Up)

Even if our lives are or are still busy with work or littles in the house, because they’re not back at school yet, in many other ways, life or the reflection OF our lives shifted (it had to), which, in turn, shifted us.

Our global experience forced us to look at ourselves longer and differently. What we want way more or much less of (for me more family dinner and chat time and less time in the car, hi LA). The short: we’ve all understood more deeply what we agree with, what we don’t, what we want inside our day-to-day experiences and who we want as part of them, too. 

Your “Method” (As World Opens Back Up)
Your “Method” (As World Opens Back Up)

What Josh and I have known for a while, and what we were texting about this morning, is that we needn’t go back to whatever parts we didn’t enjoy.

So, yes, let’s chat tonight (including Nolan), so we go into the full re-opening of life soon with intention.

Because it’s one thing to know to incorporate the pause intellectually, to take more time on the important things, but to move it from the mind to this more *felt* sense we’ve all had makes all senses come more alive (and makes us realize we don’t want to lose it, lose ourselves…).

Speaking of the senses — and then went the mint, because why not, too, watch the mint fall into salad at 9:14am to enjoy it at whatever time you decide to take the first bite?

We each haven’t just changed, we’re fresh and new.

Lettuce stay fresh and new!

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life. 

Life is good.

I Tell Him About My Life

I Tell Him About My Life

What I’ve seen and felt incredibly helpful in the closeness and growth of this treasured relationship each year is to tell him all about myself, not a one dimensional sliver of me or what’s supposedly in the “parent rulebook”.

We sit and we talk. We really talk.

I tell him about my life and about the range of my moments: those happy, confusing, sad, decided and in-between, over and over again, showing my own humanness (though I don’t say it outright it’s akin to letting him feel into this truth: I am you, you are me and we have range…things come, things go but what stays is this deeper understanding and belief in/of yourself).

Their sense of community starts with us. #schooloflife

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life. 

Life is good.

My Sandal Slapped Me In My Face (A Family Story)

My Sandal Slapped Me In My Face (A Family Story)

We were in our hotel room last night doing that thing we do anywhere (and a lot at home) where we act like the best of roommates —

The guys talking on one bed for awhile, one or two of us poking a good kind of fun at the other, Nolan beginning to wrestle Josh, me joining in, then trying on a couple impersonations, plus, a wild dance that ended slapping me in the face with my sandal as I kicked it off in a finale (they ~ and I ~ roared with laughter!)…

As it all flowed like the Hawaiian breeze, a feeling of complete comfort and ease, of being home, filled the space between the four walls.

And then ~ the best of all purposeful pangs…

I thought, as I have many times: I want to keep them both in this nest always. I want to keep all of us safe, I want to keep Nolan safe and, bottom line, keep us alive for always.

Many of us feel this way.

It’s a type of anticipatory mourning, of things changing, of kids who are people growing up and leaving the house etc, *but* a mourning of sorts wrapped in the deepest gratitude, the mix of the two, unbelievably helpful in guiding us to be more present, to spend more time in quality ways *and* to be more ourselves.

Re: the latter, I’m not sure there’s a greater daily gift we can give ourselves or our kids — our goof glory, no Instagram filter, no perfect ‘leg out this way because you’ll look skinnier’ pose, no monitoring how much of our stories we share, nothing, but more of the most of a lighter, light-filled, childlike you (and, therefore, of them).

Because it’s only ever been this more full opening up of ourselves to another, one that says, “I trust you (to see all of me)” which sustains the bedrock of a truest love.

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life. 

Life is good.