Tag Archives: Michelle Ghilotti

Date Night

Date Night

I took myself on a date recently on a Saturday night. Hot date. Planned for two weeks. 

As partnered people, we have to work harder at this, but for women especially, it’s vital to keep reminding ourselves that although being in relationship is damn amazing, it’s really us who brings the magic and the party within. 

Yes, we’re social creatures and ‘need’ or better yet, want others in our lives, but we know all about that…society and hormones teaches us to hook up and be connected and be in relationship when we’re quite young (it’s natural and normal), but what it does not teach us that we need to teach or remind ourselves (and our girls, nieces and friends, young and old alike) is how to enjoy your own company and how oh how to be alone, but not lonely. 

You can be alone and not feel lonely.

Date Night

More than the dinner or the exercise of doing special “out in the world” things (usually reserved for couples), the important part I find myself sharing with friends, clients and myself, alike, is always: your partner, though an amazing part of your life, isn’t ever the one in charge of your peace or happiness, it’s you in charge of it and that’s awesome (it’s awesome to be in charge of what makes us feel full — something I did not know the way I know it now in my teens, 20s and early 30s).

So, insert your own “here she is” and know that, yes, there you are — for you! You *got* you.

Date Night

You/we can be these individuated, joyful, self-fulfilled women (=sexy) who do more than take ourselves out, but know ourselves from deep within to then bring THAT to our partnership (see the above photo for the one I really, really enjoy :).

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

Death — A Living Experience?

Death — A Living Experience?

How can we make death a living experience?

Speak about them, do things in honor of them (and speak and speak and speak about them and honor and honor and honor them as much as you want or need to, even if others think you need to be ok by now or be “further along” because it’s been however long)…

Your heart is your only timeline and the medicine is or can be the ritualistic nature of the honoring that feels good to you (and that inspires you to feel).

It/this/all makes me feel closer to them (*reminds* me I’m still close to them — and heals).

Speaking of honoring them — do so, too, by being the reason someone who might feel like they’re dying inside (for whatever reason — there are many), smiles or thinks they’re worthy and / or feels treasured, whether they be stranger or family member.

Death — A Living Experience?

We planted trees in Africa this past August in honor of my Mom & Dino and, as these special moments always do, it fulfilled us and gave us purpose, furthering healing (last photo is the night Dino died).

The land in Africa gives you life (helps return your life back to you in so many ways (it’s how I have felt during both trips there)— do visit in this lifetime if you can), so to return some of that life back to the earth *for* the earth in honor of our beloveds is full circle.

This is the full circle…


As we ask in conscious dying coaching work, how can we make death a living experience?

This is just one (or two) of the way(s)…

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good!

Mama Heart Strings (We All Have ‘Em)

Mama Heart Strings

This is how every parent must feel after getting through another big moment with their kid(s) ~ for us, six months plus of planning for our Nolan’s Kenya trip/conservancy work and getting him back safe (we *all* got back safe last month)…

A moment of relax and enjoying the fruits of your labor (I’ve caught a glimpse of what’s up ahead, #collegeprep, #emptynest).  

I’m not ready? Are you ready? WERE you ready?

What a FUN life continuing to watch him move about the world AND boy does this all pull at the mama heart strings. 

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good!



Kenya! Africa’s land, big sky and animals made me feel five or 10 years old again!

This second visit, similar to the first, I felt awe, the kind that only nature, the natural world, science, space or the many arts (or healing arts) might elicit.

Part of the magic of safari is that everything is only ever a maybe (part of awe is not knowing what you’ll see, when you’ll see it or how you’ll react or how exactly it’ll change you…).

Simply put, the wild doesn’t do what you want it to do (and that’s awesome).


There’s no order, just a wish…no “to go”, but simply a wait and see and be in the moment, and the only super size being the majesty of the animals you might, if you’re lucky, catch a long glimpse of.

What we’re privy to as we shhh and watch is a circle of life that reminds us of the many little deaths — and lives! — we, too, experience, sometimes all in one day…


You see every season play out before your eyes + inside your heart (also in just one day): winter, spring, summer and fall.

You exclaim with joy, you shield your eyes, you reflect, you get quiet and retreat, you’re on the edge of your seat —


We saw death on this trip…there’s an awe in it we don’t often allow in — such beauty, too, of course, in the life…a baby hyena, baby monkeys, baby leopards, baby elephants…even the scene of a mama & baby Thompson gazelle still connected by the umbilical cord…

We call the journey safari, but we could easily name it reverence.

Thank you, Kenya, THANK YOU.


Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good!