So much of our success in business or life is about focus.
Yes, it’s important to focus on your brand message, on the consistency with which you’re bringing it all forth and on that ONE main goal you have for the next 90 days but today I’m specifically talking about focusing on all that’s going well…on all the micro-movements, inching forward and chicken-scratch pieces of paper that have 1,000,000 dollar ideas on them.
We must focus more often on what’s going well to BE well. (I like to call this Business Yoga™)
Sounds simple. Is hard. Normally, we focus on that one thing that’s “wrong” versus the five that are so, so right and moving in the right direction.
Just look at where you were two months ago. What glorious partnership, passion or path or have you carved out for yourself? Even if it’s just the beginning of something, stop there. Recognize it for the opening (the opening!) it is and don’t poo-poo it. Woohoo instead.
Don’t see or say “what’s left”, look right and see all that you’ve accomplished.
Beautiful. Now you’re free to roam about the planet…
p.s. speaking of, the next blog post will be from Amsterdam. I will begin my two months living and working overseas tomorrow night. Please post comments and let me know what you’d love to hear about. Open to suggestions!