Make faith in yourself your religion…
Faith in ourselves as entrepreneurs and business-owners is vital. In fact, if you’re visual like me, I see a shot of wheat grass, espresso, cup of joe or cup of fresh-squeezed OJ going in…
We must drink it in (faith in ourselves, our power) every single day.
Particularly, every single morning because tuning into this faith is the life juice to getting what we want. It’s the life juice in growing our businesses… (and by the way, if you’re wondering if you can grow the business/brand to what you want…yes, yes you can!).
If this faith doesn’t exist first thing, the glass will continue to seem half empty all day long (that’s a long day). What you think about not only grows but attracts more of the same.
What you think about not only grows but attracts more of the same.
The way we get there:
First, recognize what you’re currently waking up thinking..”What am I thinking about right now?” It’s the seed that grows.
Second, if you don’t like the answer, ask yourself, how do I shift this? And ~ stay long enough to hear the answer…
Take action immediately.
What are you waking up drinking in? (tip #11 in this video series shares a similar topic:
What would you like to feed and grow in you versus what’s been your drink of choice lately?
Now, let’s hit repeat on that question and awareness each morning; drink it in. Get your groove on.