You need not suffer or heal in silence.
Talk about how you’re suffering. Tell us, too, about what you’re stepping into for your healing.
We learn from you…from each other.
When we talk about what we’ve lived through (my life. being one that has included with it traumatic loss of almost each family member in my immediate family, a parent figure’s alcoholism and more), both privately with those we love and trust (friends, family or those we hire) and yes, even publicly, we heal…
***Every time we tell the truth, we heal.***
Also — we pass along our findings AND we learn we are not alone. The last being everything, too.
This is how we end up *really* knowing community and end up connecting more deeply with ourselves much more (aka: growth, purpose, wholeness, peace).
Ultimately, it’s this connection to self that heals.
So many people hide away when feeling the breaks AND even when stepping into the healing (the shhh and shame becomes our silence & solitude) — for a whole host of reasons — not the least of which being that they think they’ll be judged (for being human and having experienced life).
But we all have pain and if more of us talked about it, we’d realize that, well, we all have pain.
Let’s normalize being human. What it actually takes to move from problem to solution or from the break to a return to more wholeness.
Let’s normalize the deep heartbreak, gaining weight or that losing someone we deeply love h a p p e n s…
Let’s talk about a parent disappearing, or that our teenager is struggling. That we’re having a hard time loving our body or getting up in the morning…
Let’s bemore consistent with our openness (and, therefore, eventually society’s acceptance) of talking about suicide.
Let’s talk about divorce. It is a loss of huge proportions…and through all the above, let’s be there for a friend or BE the friend who needs the support.
We can be both.
We are pain *and* we are immense joy.
That’s the ying & yang of a life.
As important, let’s also normalize the owning of it all in a way that motivates us to search out the salve or solution to the wound vs. talking about the same thing year after year that keeps you in the suffering.
Healing means naming it. And that involves talking about it in a way that leads you somewhere DIFFERENT.
Grab a friend, a therapist, write it out, research plant medicine or all the forms available of cutting-edge psychotherapy.
Finding your unique path of support to move through it is exactly that, your unique path. And you’re ready, maybe, to walk it…
Of the 7.44 billion who feel the murmurings of a desire to move past their brand of a hard something, but aren’t ready or practiced at talking about it or moving through it, you can feel it, you’re ready.
You’re ready to…
You’re ready to heal.
Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…
To the best of the rest of your life.
Life is good!