Celebrating with me avec bow ties at the end of my latest fashion-inspired brand shoot.
[In love with being human] Today is my 3rd piece of 12 (celebrating 12 years in biz!) sharing part of my story through entrepreneurship and book writing, especially as it pertains to life, motherhood, love, growth and gratitude.
Since September I've been sharing "In love with being human" writings and today, well, this one is inspired by bubbly and red velvet on a Monday night.
I've subscribed to the following for some time now and share it with clients and on the Walking Momtra show as often as I can: the way you start the week is in, many ways, the way you end it, so start it with the energy you wish to infuse each day with.
In love with being human…
Red velvet.
Let’s make it so that tomorrow you look back and say “yesterday was a no apologies day.” With that said, “make happiness your business”, then, is not merely my tagline but the why.
In love with being human…
In search of authentic happiness is why I started my own business 12 years ago and what I now teach. It’s why I handstand, why I use Facebook like it’s my personal blog, why I transparently share about the grief that’s washed over me the last five months after losing my 22 year old brother, why I travel every month, why we wore ridiculous-looking mustaches onto the plane in Sardinia back to the US and why I write about fabulous failures as well as successes.
Leading the way to my very own authentic happiness and taking a [hand]stand for all women to have theirs too is what moves and motivates me.
In search of authentic happiness is also why I launched my 12-city brand tour to celebrate these 12 years in business (New York and San Francisco down, Portland up next!), it’s why I "roughed it" and slept in a sleeping bag in an old watch tower on the Great Wall of China (the best!!) and also why I slept in a luxury safari tent in Kenya (the best!!). (Authentic happiness can carry with it this delicious spectrum…do you allow yourself to ride your range?).
“Making happiness my business” is also why we’ve taken the road less traveled and focused on one child for the last eight years, why my men and I leapt to live in different US cities as well as in countries like Holland and Mexico over the last 11 years. That same true blue, authentic happiness, is also why I flew to Dubai by myself just to “have a look-see” at the city from a tiny sea plane and why, to come full circle, I also surprised Josh and Nolan with bubbly and red velvet, before dinner, this last Monday night.
In love with being human…
When somebody asked Mother Theresa what they could do to increase peace on the planet, she said, “Go home and love your family.” I agree and also lovingly expand to include “Go ‘home’ to self (see last post: https://michelleghilotti.com/blog/in-love-with-being-human-and-entrepreneurship-post-2-of-12/), get clear on what the core of you wants to LEAP and LIVE for and, then, one short walk or hike at a time, start to move your mountains (your greatest success in this life can be made either via micro movements or quantum leaps, don’t judge it, just do it).
It’s from the proverbial “top” of who you *really* are where you can more fully help foster all the versions of peace that can exist within each person you come into contact with (feelings such as confidence, joy, belonging, increased worth etc.); it's where and when you can lift others as you continue to climb.
In love with being human…
Movement toward who you really are and what you’re really here to do (and most definitely your celebrating of it all) has ripple effects energetically on the world at large you wouldn't believe (so much so, it’s hard to grasp fully sometimes). And though your movement or path may not be all the way ease-filled or smooth, know that just as a rock in a constantly moving or even turbulent stream becomes smooth and soft during the rush, you too will be the same.
You are growing and that's the whole point.
I think the imperfect yet perfect nature of success or happiness in life and business is summed up visually in this article I wrote for Tiny Buddha…”Picture a most beautiful spiral staircase in Rome, Paris, London, NYC, or Barcelona. Visualize its ample room.
Now visualize yourself on this staircase, midway up. You’re accomplished. You’ve come all this way. Look up at where you’re going and down at where you’ve come from. Peek around and up at the spirals of stair above; over and down at the spirals below.
Now comes the part that we don’t like that’s part of being human.
You’ve suddenly tripped up and missed a step, and you’ve probably done something similar before. Look down at your feet.
Yes, you are here, right now, and it’s close to before—but, not exactly.
You are wiser today than yesterday. Though you might feel bad because you’re encountering the same or similar problem, this time it’s with a different view and varied perspective.
Accept where you are. You will immediately suffer less. Remember this is merely one moment in time. It only defines you and your worth if you choose to make it a defining moment.
Look down the middle of the staircase at what you’ve ascended. Keep hold on this view of yourself and see where you are now in comparison.
Yes, this human moment has come to find you again, but you’re now higher up and can respond from a different place, literally, figuratively, emotionally, and intellectually.
Ask yourself: How can I respond from this higher place instead of causing myself pain?
Welcome to your new spiral staircase-inspired mantra or momtra: I have a view. I hold wisdom. I use both.” (to read the full article: http://tinybuddha.com/blog/how-to-grow-from-mistakes-and-stop-beating-yourself-up/).
Red velvet.
In love with being human…
As quickly as you can, let go of the suffering you've allow in as you've experience the small (or big) mishaps along the way. Remember, pain is human, suffering is optional.
But don’t dismiss or let go of the seemingly “small” steps you make towards what you’re capable of and toward your true purpose. Allow “small” to always and absolutely be enough to warrant celebration of how much closer you’ve come.
So, for example…
Though you may have repetitive stress injuries that prevent you from continuing to write the book you’re almost done with, celebrate the fact that some rocking genius created Dragon Dictate software that will help you type and finish it (true story), though you have 25 stitches on your left foot and must travel, yoga and just overall groove with crutches for five weeks, celebrate you have a body that beautifully knows how to heal and that you have strong arms, a strong mind and a strong right foot that will help pick up the slack (true story), though you may be journeying through a thing called postpartum depression, celebrate the fact that you can stick laminated cards in your wallet and post-its on your bathroom mirror of momtras (mom-inspired mantras) that help focus you on the truth that this too shall pass (true story).
This too shall pass…
• Allow all that comes in, to come in (it will move through you in much less time).
• Allow the practice of immediately looking left or right to see what is still left and what is still SO right with your life.
• Allow the celebrating of yourself and of those around you (especially for things others may have never celebrated you or them for before) to be part of your loving, living legacy.
• Allow what's really true for you to set you free.
Just as I do momtras, I'll repeat that last one again…allow the FULL range of what’s really true (and true for you), to come through in this moment, in your next project, on a random Monday, in your next sales conversation, marketing element, in your next blog post, in your new venture or in something you’ve been doing for 20 years, to set you free.
And, as Nolan (8), with two parents in the brand/marketing business, has been known say to his friends ~ “DUDE, that’s our tagline!” ~ allow your brand and most common theme in life to be what’s real.
It will always seem like you could or should be doing something else, something “smarter”, "better", something less “crazy” oe more in alignment with the way community or your family want you to live, parent, breed, make money, dress, speak up or speak less…and that's ok. Feel that. And when you do, know that this will also be how you know you’re on track with designing a life, bumps, bruises, bubbles and all, you'll be lioness proud to call your own.
(no photo of the bubbly or red velvet, they were gone before I could snap any)
Enjoy your business, enjoy your life!
Your words, your thoughts, and your beliefs are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom!
D- this is a long time coming as my comments were not coming to my inbox. Now fixed! Anyhow, what a beautiful note to receive from you…thank you! Can't wait to continue getting to know you! You are one haute woman. ; ) Thank you again! xx, M