I joke that I have a love affair with the word YES. You too? If I can think it and dream it, I’ll do it (find a way how)…no matter how much my knees are knocking on that skinny branch. And even if I trip on the way to doing new things like writing that first book (meeting with my editor today!) or reaching out to our first agent (soon!), re-branding etc that’s ok…
…we are strong, capable women who can brand bruising sexy if we need to (insert laugh). Falling, tripping, making “mistakes” are all STILL getting us closer to our goal. I think we forget imperfection is where it’s at. It’s where our human experience is at and, like the thrill of a roller coaster ride, it’s also what makes life so worth living. We don’t think it so much in the moment but I think that’s where, as successful women we can be moving towards: thinking of a fall as a “good thing” even in the moment. This is a practice to engage in daily…picking ourselves up, dusting off and moving on. If you think about it, it’s the only option if you want what you want ~ a big life with little to no regret.
Here is my yogi formula for how to help the knees knocking/stepping on that skinny branch syndrome (the more comfortable with being “uncomfortable”, the larger success we shall see):
• Get into the growth mindset which says that there is always “failure” en route to our goals…when it happens, nod (you knew she might have been coming) and move on as quickly as possible. Just think of everything you’ve done and accomplished: you are resilient. No reason to stop here. You gotta play the full game to the last inning! And, just like in yoga, if you fall, make loud noises en route to a new pose…we all forgive you. We are on the same path. We want to try new, big, bold moves too.
• Keep your eyes on your own mat. The way your knees are knocking is almost exactly the same as the way her knees are knocking. However, your path is not the same. The way YOU do business, create your programs, speak on stage and deliver your message is your own…and so resist the urge to copy people…copy principles. That fire and desire you have inside to do the big, new scary things? It means you’re supposed to do them! And do them authentically. If that means not doing online marketing because you don’t feel right or doing it in a new and unique (YOU) way then so be it. We need more diversity in the marketplace! Just like in yoga, if we watch someone else as we are also trying to hold a pose, we fall or waver (maybe even injure ourselves), the same can happen in business. But we hurt something much more meaningful than maybe our physical bodies when we copy people inside our beloved business: we hurt ourselves emotionally. Keep your eyes on your own mat…trust that greater success is coming if you let your uniqueness, genius and quirky side out. Do the big thing you’re thinking about and DO IT YOUR WAY.
• Focus that drishti (your focus/gaze)…modify now if you have to! Focus on those things every day that will get you closer to your big vision and goals. Ask yourself “Is this project/action/email/web surfing/reaching out inching me (quantum leaping) me to my vision of speaking on stages/of publishing my first book/of taking on huge clients etc???”…and if it’s not, be wise, be your own guru and modify! Time is a finite commodity and just as when we’re in a yoga class and we see others doing a pose we don’t feel like doing in that moment and so we modify…our entrepreneur lives need to be fed the same. We need to take an honest survey of what we’re about to do each day then modify in that very moment. Simple? Yes. Powerful. 150%.
With that, enjoy your business, enjoy your life!