


Bonjour from expat life in Paris, the city of love…

We are elated to start this channel, our latest life project, where we’ll be having ***an ongoing conversation challenging what it means to be in long-term relationship.***

Our intro video welcoming you to HSSS and sharing the origin story, as well as what you can expect moving forward, awaits you here:

In short, we can promise that our flow will be as deep and wide as it is unique, funny, fun and sexy with much of our sharing done walking the sweet streets of Paris or in cool venues that we can’t wait to share with you (because why not also be your travel guides around this gorgeous city!).

Stay tuned as we continue to add to the space on IG every week. Check out Josh’s first “he said” episode and it’s a GOOD one, so don’t miss it!

Join us over on Instagram and do share it with friends who might enjoy it (who have been in relationship for any amount of time or want to call in who they most desire) — especially if any of our past events, videos, conversations at our Greater Good Parties ;)) or other projects with you as clients or friends over the years have made a difference in your life.

Now, pull up a chair in our HSSS loving room and chill with us for a bit, let’s keep getting better ~ together!

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

Launching Our Relationship Project (Video)!

Loving what we do and now launching what we have! :-)

Loving what we do and now launching what we have! 🙂

A week ago or so, I shared with you, that Josh, my husband, and I, we’re launching a new life project that was relationship-based!

Well, today is launch day, and I wanted to share where you can find us! 

WELCOME TO “HE SAID, SHE SAID”! And bonjour from expat life in Paris, the city of love!

We are elated to start this channel, our latest life project, where we’ll be having ***an ongoing conversation challenging what it means to be in long-term relationship.***

This is just part of our intro welcoming you to HSSS and sharing with you the origin story, as well as what you can expect moving forward (video is 3.5 min). Hop on over to @hesaidshesaidchannel to watch the rest of the video and to join us for the fun ahead!

In short, we can promise that our flow will be as deep and wide as it is unique, funny, fun and sexy with much of our sharing done walking the sweet streets of Paris or in cool venues that we can’t wait to share with you (because why not also be your travel guides around this gorgeous city!). 

Stay tuned as we continue to add to this space every week. Next up, as in, TOMORROW, Josh will share his first “he said” episode and it’s a GOOD one, so don’t miss it! 

So join us @hesaidshesaidchannel tomorrow and do share this page with friends who might enjoy it and have been in relationship for any amount of time (or want to call in who they most desire), especially if any of our past events, videos, conversations at our Greater Good Parties 🙂 or other projects with you as clients or friends over the years have made a difference in your life. 

Now, pull up a chair in our HSSS loving room and chill with us for a bit, let’s keep getting better — together — shall we!? 

We shall! 

JOIN US, let’s challenge, what it means to be in long-term relationship! ~> @hesaidshesaidchannel.

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

From Want To Have (Do This)

From Want To Have (Do This)

I know you’ve been thinking about starting something for some time now…

You’re the mother of your own reinvention! Go. For. It.

Ask yourself…

What has currently changed in my life or perspective or energy level (as starters) in order for me to do what it is that I’m here to do in the world? 

What revenue-generating activities can I transition to doing for 90 minutes each day?

What is the unique value that I bring to this project or business?

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.

Recess In Session!

Recess In Session!

Recently, on a plane to Paris from LA, I heard the woman in front of me say in a really upbeat voice to what sounded like a younger child, “I’m going to come back a better mama!”

She had a friend with her.

I whipped my head around.

What she said was almost identical to what I had said to Nolan when he was about eight years old before I went on a work trip.

I’ve shared this before (years ago), but Nolan didn’t want me to leave and asked, “Why do you have to go, mama?” and I remember leading the witness, asking him what his favorite part of school was (I knew what his answer would be and, therefore, I knew what my answer would be to his question). He said “Recess.”

I said to him [something like]: “Yes, recess. Play is so fun! And you know what? I miss you every time I’m away on a work or a friend trip. But when mama goes away, it’s like recess for her. You and I play and it’s one of my favorite things, too!”

And then I asked my little man in the most fun voice I could muster: “And haven’t you noticed that I come back even more silly!?!”

I honestly didn’t know what he would say, but his response I’ll never forget: “Well, yeahhhh…”. It sounded like he didn’t want to admit it. [I thought, does he really notice that I come back refreshed and even more ready for play and quality moments? I think so! Our kids feel a difference.]

We hugged it out that night, and on many other days or nights before I took short or longer trips.

But, as a close friend and I have discussed, even still, it’s hard for us to not lose ourselves in parenthood — there’s a constant emotional labor; many of us are always thinking about the family, our kids, how might we love them better or “did we just love them in the right way in our last interaction??”, what’s on the to do list, etc. We are constantly thinking or doing for those in the family.

But we must BE {with ourselves}, too.

How do we ensure that we do things for our own joy and satisfaction — a purpose outside the purpose so to speak? Because we have a couple (purposes). ;)) Them…and us.

Recess in session! Are we connected on Instagram yet? My husband and I are launching a relationship – based project soon, don’t miss it!

Let’s make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…

To the best of the rest of your life!

Life is good.