There’s something about New York…the energy, culture, food…all stuff we’ve heard before, right?
New York has a definite brand. It’s electric or shall I say, electri-CITY…
And then when I add friends, clients, cozy places to stay, trips to Connecticut and Brooklyn to spend a day or two New York becomes a trusted place where I’m inspired and really, truly connected. Not just because of all the traveling I do to NYC for work but because of this extra layer of connection where I’ve managed to make NYC mean more to me than just “fun” and “energy.”
And that’s where I want to start today…from that word: connection. Below I leave you with some tips on how to inject more of your particular brand of happiness into you brand but connection is really where it starts.
Where could you be more connected in your work? Your products/services? Where could you feel more connected? This is all so important in branding yourself in a way that creates major traction.
This is what your clients need and want from you and guess what? It’s what branding, when done right, does for you too. It creates a level of intimacy because it does the work of injecting emotion into your business. This is one definition or “act” of branding I don’t hear discussed very often.
We need to infuse emotion into our products and services, for example, so they MEAN more to our clients. This is what makes clients or prospects share what we have to offer and come back to invest with our company again and again…
If it’s true that clients buy YOU long before they buy your products and services (and it is) then do…go deeper, get into the layers and create from this very connected place, deal?
Here are some things that my client Angela Jia Kim, owner and founder of Savor the Success in NYC, covered this last week in our second branding session (love working with this powerhouse! If you haven’t checked out her site, please do:

1. What product of all your products/services makes you the most happy? And what product is the one others are willing to invest the most time and money in? Invest more time here.
2.What is the brand personality of that ONE product? What does it look like, talk like and dress like?
3. What will you have to let go of to focus on this one particular area more?
Remember that in branding your business, depth and connection will always brings you a more consistent stream of connected clients. Connected clients, connected business, products…all lead to one thing: a connected life.
Enjoy your business, enjoy your life!