
Dont think “but how?” think YES NOW.

Don’t think “but how?” think YES NOW. Follow your gut and just…keep…moving…forward.
Stringing micro-movements together brings you to your goal.

The doubt or constant re-playing of “but I don’t see how this is possible” does nothing for our IT factor (keep that vibration high!). Follow what it is that your gut says…she will not lead you astray.

My parting thought this week is don’t get stuck in a negative thought loop. It lessens your attraction factor (even if you think you’re not “showing it”) and most definitely lessens your joy in your work.

Enjoy your business, enjoy your life… Continue reading

The true formula for success

Before I’m off to Argentina, I wanted to remind us all of this…
Being your true self is the only effective formula for success.
Enjoy your business, enjoy your life!

And, please check out over the next couple weeks as I’ll be uploading real-time photos from Argentina…chin chin; to wanderlust!) Continue reading

What you and Charlize Theron have in common…

…Cynthia Pasquella!

Healthy, foodie entrepreneur sisters, check out my gal pal Cynthia Pasquella’s interview on April 19th! She’s a nutritionist to the stars (hello, Charlize Theron, Blake Lively and Sandra Bullock) and the nutrition expert on the Today Show & Dr Phil.

We’re going to be chatting about how nutrition affects your happiness. Come learn, enjoy and receive free juicy goodness!

April 19th, 12 noon Pacific/3p Eastern, sign up here:

Enjoy your business, enjoy your life, ladies! Hope you join us on this very fun and lively interview!