Author Archives: Susan Lucibello

My interview at Good Morning La La Land

Last Monday, I dove into my story on the Good Morning LaLa Land show — well, just the very beginning of it, because the end of it, as with yours, is still unfolding. (-:

I highly recommend watching the full hour below, it’s a brilliantly smart show with heart — with guests to match. There were many inspiring people and projects (for those business owners and personal brands, I also touched on branding or expression work, something that can definitely be or feel like a spiritual process or journey):

Full episode:

My interview:

Make happiness your business by creating your authentic brand…enjoy your business, enjoy your life!

Life is good,

Michelle Ghilotti
Success Designer, Brand Activator & Social Entrepreneur 

Building Community (and who I support)

As I’ve been building community through meaningful groups or services like CEO Changemaker, High Touch, Creative Heroine and the Greater Good Parties now traveling throughout the US, I’ve been revived and enlivened by art.

You knowwww ~> art ~ that which contributes to the optimism and heart present on the planet…

I support art, artists and artistic endeavors (LIFE ~ the greatest one perhaps) — and my work which centers around creative expression and building businesses that, in actuality build and prioritize legacy does, too.

After designing, planning and hosting six events in nine months, I’m even more lit up to continue fusing this into all my experiences and offerings.

Art and creativity in words, movement, song and that which is visual ignites all senses and dimensions and effortlessly creates a space internally ready for transformation, a place where we feel more fully fed to birth our unique ideas AND be known for them.

At Creative Heroine in March, the dynamic duo known as Christina Dunbar and Chaim Dunbar gave tremendous performances.

If you haven’t already seen Chaim’s piece “Where Are the Men?”, you must, must, must:

And — Christina’s piece — “Where Are the Women?”, written with love, specifically for the Creative Heroine Experience, whose words were so potent, must also be shared (if you’d like to see this powerhouse creative in her traveling one-woman show, she’ll be in SF on June 8th~>…

Where Are the Women by Christina Dunbar (an excerpt):

After years of being way too quiet and compliant
After years of hiding this wild soul…
I’m ready to roar with the rest of this world


Where are the women that roar together?
I mean I see the women
Here are the women
Everywhere are the women
But where

ALL the representations of women speaking out

Shy women
Loud women

Small and tall and curvy women
Young and old and wrinkly women
Women who are free in their skin
That are artists in the way they live
That can say with pride

I have no more shame in this body
I have nothing left to hide

Here are the women
You are the woman
And you are the woman
And she
And me
And we are the women
That will be seen and heard
Leave our mark on this precious fleeting timeline we call LIFE

Let’s own that now
That each of us counts
Let’s take it to the streets
And let these hearts lead 
With our fierce female voices
We declare.
We are the women we’ve been waiting for.

Here’s to art and what she will always take responsibility for stirring inside us!

Enjoy your business, enjoy your life!

Life is good,

Michelle Ghilotti
Success Designer, Brand Activator & Social Entrepreneur 

Back to the THESE “Basics”

During confusing or hard moments, in anything or with any relationship, go back to the basics (which is not too far back):

mutual respect,
dignity and
civility. . .
white to black,
black to white,
man to woman,
woman to man,
boy to girl,
girl to boy,
grown up to child,
child to grown up,
able-bodied to disabled,
disabled to able-bodied,
**anyone to anything you are not**
kindness, mutual respect, dignity and civility are always en vogue.

T h e s e  are the empowering and loving times I believe we live in.

And this is why we ladies, the mama bears of the earth, the ones who need to make sure the family sticks together (seriously, this is one of our tippity-top purposes), this is why we care, this is why we coach, and this is why we are more active in the world, then maybe we’ve ever been.

Enjoy your business and enjoy your life, Creative Heroine + Mama Bear!

Life is good,







p.s. Register HERE for MGI’s first complimentary training, Design Your Couture Comeback: Soul, Strategy & Brand Honesty in 2017. The training happens Thursday, February 9th, at 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern/7pm London/8pm Amsterdam time. The training lasts two hours. I’ll be sharing how you can create your most successful “comeback” from a business hiatus, heartbreak, loss or (fill in your blank). In many ways, we will go back to the basics and will cover off on the strategy and practical support needed within four categories: Business (Revenue), Brand, Relationships and Self. Would love to “see” you there, Creative Heroine!

“Habit Health” (3 questions to ask today!)

This is my client Dianna…her “habit health” is on point.  🙂

Gut health.
Emotional health.
Heart health.
Habit health. 
It’s also totally a thing.
How’s your habit health?

Take a few moments and jot down your answers to the following questions:

1. If you were the very best in the world at what you did, how would what you do in the morning, afternoon and evening change?

2. On a practical level, what top two (2) habits and top two (2) actions must become part of your everyday muscle memory to get to where you say you want to be in your business?

3. As the thought leader and CEO of your purposeful and inspiring brand, what relationship-building activities do you need to build on each week?

Once you have your most honest and powerful answers down, take a breath and another moment to check in with the mindset and schedule you currently are working with.

Here’s a bonus question for you ~

4. How will you need to shift or accommodate both your mindset and weekly schedule in order to get where you want to be?

I hope this supports you today, Creative Heroine.

Enjoy your business and enjoy your life!

Life is good,





p.s. Have you registered yet for the {no-cost} training coming up on Thursday, February 9th at 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern/7pm London/8pm Amsterdam: Design Your Couture Comeback: Soul, Strategy & Brand Honesty in 2017. We’ll be covering your 90-day plan with the habits and focus your need in four areas — business, brand, relationships and self. Don’t miss the goodness. Don’t miss the goods. Register HERE.