Can I Get Your Advice?

I’d love to ask you for your advice! 

After the success of the Creative Heroine Experience, I’m re-committing, once again, to assisting you as much as I can via this space, to not simply be or become consumers of content, but action takers. That was a big part of CHE (it’s the only thing that’s worked for me to create the impact, revenue and the brand I currently have…taking a risk and always taking action on my biggest, “craziest” ideas). 

Even if you’re not a client, through the weekly shares, I want to contribute meaningfully to your life and one way to do that is to support you to become a doer, too. Think about and strategize, yes, but not too long. 🙂 

Making fast and aligned decisions is a trait that as self-employed women we need to nurture every day.

Movement Mantra: I am a dedicated, daring and delighted doer. 

Here are my questions to you:

1. Would you like to receive the weekly MGI content via written form, video or audio (what’s easiest and most enjoyable for you?). For some, one is more actionable or spark-producing than the other(s). 

2. What specific topic around business, brand/expression or life is most valuable and supportive to you right now as far as designing your life of happiness and prosperity? I’d love to know, both for the weekly shares as well as for the complimentary trainings we will continue to create for you and the community. 

Tell me! I want you to receive what you need. Simply reply back and I’ll respond. 🙂

Thank you so much. I so appreciate your thoughts.

Until next time, enjoy your business, enjoy your life!

Life is good,

Michelle Ghilotti
Success Designer, Brand Activator & Social Entrepreneur 

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